Thursday, 27 October 2016

An Introduction

Welcome to my blog! After much thought and consideration, I have decided I am going to tackle the subject of oceans and climates. While most of us (I hope!) are aware of how the two systems are related and how they influence each other, I also feel that there is plenty of scope to learn about them as separate entities as well. So, I plan to mix and match in terms of how I go about writing my blogs, with regular updates.

Ocean and climate systems have set the stage for living beings to survive and adapt, and have undergone multiple changes over the past 4.5 billion years of the Earths existence - some, even at the expense of these living beings (watch out, humans!). As time progresses through the present day and into the future, these two components undoubtedly will have to go through what it has been doing in the past – it will change.

The important concerns that tend to rise are regarding the rate at which change is happening. Is it happening too quickly for living beings to handle? How much influence has humans socioeconomic behaviour had and will have on climate change? Is sea-level rise going to drown us? How much can one rely on past trends and data to predict what will happen in the future, near or far? How serious is the issue of climate change anyway? How much of it can we keep ignoring?

Yes, there is a large question mark hovering above my head too, but with time, I aspire to clear as many doubts that we all may have, keeping in mind the most vital task of creating some extent of awareness of what is going on around us.

With that, I bid you all goodbye for now, and stay tuned for the weeks to come!

"We shall need a substantially need a new way of thinking if humanity is to survive."
- Albert Einstein